We’ve met the RHI cuts once again!

With the Non domestic RHI being review each quarter, we find ourselves once again up against the end of quarter rush to install and submit the RHI application ahead of the end of quarter.

With the tariff due to digress tomorrow, Tuesday 31st March we’ve been working hard on site and in the office.

I am pleased to say we have completed all the RHI’s and installations with time to spare : )

Here’s some pictures of our boys at work offloading the equipment and piping the boiler to accumulator at a fruit farm in Herefordshire. They are having a HDG compact 199 kW boiler installed to heat their workers accommodation.


Photo 21-03-2015 20 41 16 (1)Photo 21-03-2015 20 41 16Photo 24-03-2015 13 54 57

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